Discover Fimo Play Dough for Kids Australia Wide
FIMO modelling clay is a well-known and popular choice for children, amateur artists, DIY crafters and professional users of all ages. Whether you are an amateur or professional, child or adult, beginner or experienced crafter, the FIMO range of premium craft products is designed with everyone in mind and with perfect results guaranteed every time. Products include the world famous FIMO polymer clay, decorative leaf metal, plus a whole range of other modelling materials and accessories.
About Fimo Modelling Clay
Fimo is a name for a brand of polymer clay made by German company Staedtler (STAEDTLER Mars GmbH & Co. KG). Fimo is sold worldwide. Its main U.S. competitor is the American brand Sculpey.
For reasons of preventive consumer protection, STAEDTLER has avoided the use of phthalate-based plasticizers in FIMO oven-hardening modelling clay since 2006. Oven-hardening FIMO modelling clay is made of Plastic powder (PVC), Plasticizer, and Additive.
When hardening in the oven, the plastic powder contained in FIMO sets and forms a firm solid after cooling. Compared to “normal” modelling clay, the material is significantly firmer. The structure of FIMO professional, for instance, makes it possible to model small and finely detailed objects. The wide variety of colours available for the products is created by adding various bright colour pigments to the modelling clay.
The ingredients of FIMOair are the following Kaolin (basic, natural), Water and Additive. In contrast to FIMO, FIMOair dries in the air. FIMOair is an ideal choice for art, spare time and hobbies as well as for pedagogical purposes in schools, kindergartens and similar institutions. Packaging in film prevents the clay from drying out. Hardened models (basic & clay) can be finished (filing, polishing, drilling, painting, varnishing). Hardened models (light) can be finished (painting, varnishing). FIMOair is ready for immediate use.