
National Disability Insurance Scheme NDIS Participant Client Information


Welcome to PoscArt which is managed by Mega Office Supplies for NDIS Participants

Your one-stop solution for all essential supplies and specialised resources. We are dedicated to supporting the unique needs of NDIS participants and ensuring a smooth, accessible shopping experience.

Core Product Offerings: We cater extensively to B2B, B2C, and B2G markets, providing an array of office supplies tailored to every requirement.

  • Balance and movement tools for physical stability.
  • Tactile resources that enhance sensory engagement.
  • Visual and Auditory resources tailored for sensory needs.
  • Weighted resources for added comfort and grounding.
  • NDIS-approved lift chairs and flexible furniture for customised accessibility.
  • A comprehensive collection of ergonomic solutions and peripherals.
  • Essential janitorial supplies, including but not limited to hand towels, paper towels, and wipes.

Service Agreement / Ordering Products:

  • If you are a NDIS participant please add items to cart and checkout with Payment Method, "Bank Deposit".
  • In NDIS order notes, please indicate if you are Self-Managed, Plan-Managed or Agency-Managed, your date of birth, support item reference number and include your NDIS number.

Your Assurance with PoscArt: At PoscArt, we are fully aware of and committed to upholding the NDIS obligations and the associated Code of Conduct. We firmly believe in:

  • Respecting individual rights, emphasising freedom of expression, self-determination, and decision-making.
  • Prioritising the privacy and confidentiality of all our customers, especially those with disabilities.
  • Providing all our services and supports with the utmost care, skill, and competence.
  • Operating with unwavering integrity, honesty, and transparency.
  • Being proactive in addressing any concerns that could impact the quality and safety of our provided supports and services.
  • Taking all necessary measures to prevent and counter any form of violence against, and exploitation, neglect, or abuse of people with disabilities.

Feedback & Grievances:

Complaints Process: Your feedback is invaluable. If you have any concerns, we urge you to consult our Complaints Management and Complaints Process Policy and register your feedback through our 'Contact Us' page.  This will also be logged on our internal complaints register.

Incident Management: Safety is paramount. For any incidents, please refer to our Incident Management Plan and record details in our internal incident reporting register.

Your dedicated and trained NDIS approved contacts are Susie Matthew, Holly Ryan and Martin Bate. 

We ship nationally and our main distribution centre is located at 5/12 Greenway Drive, TWEED HEADS SOUTH NSW 2486.  Our phone number is 1300 783 961.

Thank you for choosing PoscART a sister store of Mega Office Supplies. Together, we aim to make a difference.